Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't die from shock

Well everyone I have some good news to share. As most of you know I have been going to church almost every sunday. I have been going to the Christen Community Church of Mesquite. Last week I as to join the church and was excepted. So Next sunday April 26th I will be getting baptized. I would like to invite everyone to come. If you can't I will understand. Going to church has been very comforting for me. I find that if I don't go, I have a crappy week. But like I said, don't die of shock. lol.


Amanda and Chad said...

I love the title- "don't die from shock".. you are too funny, Laura! That is great news about being baptized next week; I'm happy for you! :)

Trent and Robyn said...

Congratulations, Lora. I am happy that you have found a place where you feel the spirit. I, too, feel that I struggle during the week when I don't go and get some redirection at church. Sean just asked me the other day why we go to church and I told him that we need to go learn about Jesus. He just had a lesson on the resurection, since it was Easter. He learns so much in Primary and likes to share what he learns with me. Are you going to take the rest of your family to church with you? I hope to see you this weekend! ROB

Poulson's said...

Awesome! Thats happy to hear! It's funny what having God in your life can do for you. I havent bene going to church, but I still pray daily & have a very good relationship w/God. It's important to me. Your right, it can b very comforting... makes you wonder how ppl get thru life as a nonbeliever of any God, huh? Jessica's baby is so cute, she's texted me daily & I enjoy hearing from her. Anyhow, sorry I havent been up to beat on everyone's blog, but I have caught up & I love seeing how everyone is doing..
Tell that brother of mine, HELLO & give the kids a hug for me. LOVE YA! Wish we could b there on your big day but we'll b thinking of you!