Sunday, April 26, 2009

a few things from our week

Tuesday me and Bryan went to Gunlock to see if there was any fish. Well there was not any that we could catch. But Bryan got to cast out his new fishing pole.
I got baptized today and when I got home Bryan had bought these pretty roses for me.


kathleen said...

congratulations on yor baptism. Hope is was a nice day for you. Wish we could of been there but circumstances were that we could not. The roses are beautiful! Again I am really happy for you!

kathleen said...

I guess I cant spell today or thinking faster than I can type. lol I meant Hope it not is and then I meant your baptism not yor. Sorry!

Poulson's said...

Hey Laura.... I bet Bryan is happy man now that fishing season is coming on. Aaron and the girls almost went on sunday, but due to the SNOW here in utah, we didn't go! I can't believe it snowed! SHEESH! Congrats on your baptism, I realy am so happy for you, I'm happy that your happy and excited about it! I wish we coulda taken a trip down there to be there w/you, but I can't travel even if I wanted or didn't want to. Its been a long month, and going to b another long few wks! HOpe all is well w/the boys and Bryan as well.... I love reading your blog! Hope to see you guys soon! LOVE YA

Amanda and Chad said...

The lake looks so pretty! I'm jealous of your warm weather! That was so sweet and thoughtful of Bryan to get you those roses! You are lucky! Congrats again on your baptism! Hope to see you soon..