Saturday, May 2, 2009

fun week

I gave Kiki a hat the other night when he was over, and now he is into wearing hats. He made Jessica put one on the other night.
He thinks he is a fish.
Mckinnin in the recovery room. He said he was ok, but then admitted that he could not see.


Daniels Family said...

what happen to Mckinnan is he ok?? Trish

kathleen said...

Jessica sent us that pic by texting and we both thought it was so dagn cute! The fish pic lol is adorable. Mckinnin looks like he is zoned out! Poor kid. Anathesia kicks your butt. Hope he is better today though I am sure he is sore. GIve them all kisses from us. See ya this week. Cant wait!

lilisidrofamily said...

omg! i cant believe mckinnin look way zoned out!

Amanda and Chad said...

Kiki looks like such a big boy in the bath! And Poor McKinnin- he looks stoned and miserable!