Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kids are back in school

Well yesturday the kids went back to school. It was a long 2 weeks. But we all stayed busy. So to start my week off, I rearranged all the furniture in my house. Bryan came home and said how did you do all that all my yourself. You see i put what i would say was a square peg in a round hole. lol. I put my luv seat in my bedroom. And lets say it did not want to fit through the door. But I was determined to make it fit. It did, but don't know how I will ever get it out.

I then worked on Chads blanket. I have only 3 more rows left. When I get it done I will put a picture of it up. It looks real good. So today I should have it finished. Plus I am on Grandma duty tonight. So I can't wait for that. He is starting to talk more and more everyday. Everything is mine, mine, mine. So I can't wait to see what he saids today.

1 comment:

kathleen said...

You go woman!!! That is what you call "Woman Power"! We are like the movie "Steel Magnolias" we can do it if we are determined. Good Job! Chirstmas breaks are fun but it is good to get back to normal if there is a normal. We still are trying to get down there to see you guys and bring your presents. Love you all!!!!