Friday, January 23, 2009

not so busy week

Are week was not that eventful. The boys did not have school monday or today. I did my usual babysitting on tuesday night which is always fun. Kasey went and got this Indy Jones whip that he made me take pictures of him whipping it. Needless to say alot of stuff got knocked of from the whip. McKinnin is just being his typical teenage self. He has a nice black eye from him and his friends messing around. Thats about all that is going on in our house. Oh Bryan took his boat out and blew the engine, I didnt go with so they didnt take any pictures. So we are back to the drawing board on the boat. Its like what boat means. Bring Out Another Thousand. I get that now. I will prob have to go back to work to pay to keep the boat running hahahahaha. Any ways everyone have a good weekend.


kathleen said...

Love the Indiana Jones Kasey Pics! He looks so serious about it in the one pic. Couldn"t see Mckinnins black eye OUCH!!!! Little Ricky is a doll and getting so big! Tell Bryan I feel bad about his boat. SOme Luck! Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

my son so cute~!!