Friday, January 16, 2009

Not much going on this week

Well there is not much going on this week for us. Bryan has been working and I have just been staying home. I had the baby on monday so that day I stayed pretty busy. Bryan got the boat out yesturday to get it ready for the season. I wish it was just a little warmer so we could go camping and stay on the lake. Oh well 1 more month and we can. So today I am going to get it all cleaned out and looking good, do all the washing of the bedding so it will be ready when we are ready to get out in the sun. I was just informed that this is a long weekend for the kids with no school on Monday. It seems like there is always no school here. lol. Well that just means that I get to sleep in on Monday, (yea right) Well it is time the get Mckinnin up for school. He has finals this week so he has only been going half day. Today he doesnt have to be there till 830 so that mean I have to take him to school. Well all have a good weekend and if we take the boat out this weekend I will post some pictures of our great weather that we are having here. lol trying to make everyone jealous and want to come visit us.


Amanda and Chad said...

You know I will be jealous if you post pics of your boat and that nice warm weather you are having! I really need a winter house down there... or can me & Paislee just come live with you next winter? ha ha. I hope you get to sleep in on Monday- you need it, you get up way too early lady!

Poulson's said...

I know, I've sucked at getting to everyone's blogs, or even my own! I've been so stressed out, and so much going on that I've just stared at computer and not made the effort to comment or post. HOwever, I do look at all your blogs, and read and I enjoy them so much. Its so nice to keep in touch w/everyone like this and see the day to day stuff. My fav posts are just of daily things you guys all do. My posts are boring cuz I can't do fun pics, & I'm a rambler but thats me. I'm jealous you all have a boat, and will have warm weather b4 us. I'm ready for spring! but I'm not ready for this baby to come so I sorta feel torn for time to pass to quickly. I'm not ready Laura for five kids! AHHHH! ya all. Keep bloggin, I love readin