Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Mckinnin all pimped out with his new hat and new jacket
Kasey with his ipod shuffle
My rocker guys
Before the big opening

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Got through the week

Well we got though the week. hippy. This week I don't think I am going to do a thing. lol. As if that will happen. I think I have parent conferences for Kasey on Tuesday night. So that night will be busy. And then I think he is out of school on Wednesday. Then Friday starts the beginning of Christmas Break. 10 more days till Christmas. Can you all believe it. I can't. We have not even did any shopping.

Friday, December 12, 2008

kasey's birthday

Kaseys birthday party turned out to be really big. We had 10 kids and 20 parents. I got pizza for the kids to eat, 5 of them and Bryan bbq for the adults. We went through all the pizza but one and 9lbs of chicken. The birthday cake went so fast that I dont think I even got a piece. Thats ok. Kasey had so much fun. The kids played twister and sang on the tv with kasey's new singing game for the xbox.

day of playing

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well today I am getting Kiki to play with, so I will be putting pics of him. I can't wait. I am going to take him Christmas shopping with me to get Bryan a present. So I will post some pictures later.

Monday, December 8, 2008

For Chad

I don't know if you all know, but I had made Bryan a afgan a while back that is the Bronco's colors. Everytime Chad comes down he saids, where is my Raiders one. So Chad here is the start of your raiders blanket. I should have it done in about a week.

Busy week ahead

Well its going to be a busy week. We have Kasey's Birthday on thursday and we are giving him a little pizza party for a few of his friends. Then on Saturday my mom and Spence are coming for Spences birthday. Jessica is going to make dinner for us all on Saturday.

Other stuff on my agenda this week is to actually get through the pile of crap that is in my garage from the move. Promised Bryan I would work on it today. lol I already started doing my laundry this morning, since I get up with Bryan every day at 430 am. Figured that I would just start it and get it all over with. Maybe if I get it done early, I can go do something fun for myself. But I prob won't. Think I will hang my Christmas lights outside. But anyways, just thought I would type alittle on my crazy week.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Stem attached

Jessica has a blog now the address is little-isidro-family. We just got back from the ultra sound. I am not going to say exactly what it is but there was no stem attached. I will let Jessica give the real offical word.

Boy or Girl?? we will soon find out

Today I get to go and see my new grandchild. I can't wait. Jessica is having her ultra sound today, and I get to go. I will let you all know what we are having later.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I can just hear him laughing looking at this picture. Jessica got him this chair and he thinks he is really neat sitting in it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We made it home from the big Thanksgiving outing. We pulled a Delbert and said it was time. (time to go home). We had alot of fun, but it was just time. It is always nice to go away from home, but it is nice to come home. Thanks Trent and Robyn for letting us stay with you. If my camera would of worked, I would have some pics. But it didnot.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Grandma with the hat and the boys

We went over to grandma while we where up for thanksgiving. She put on Mckinnins hat and we thought it was so cute. So we took pics of her and the boys. They turned out so cute. We had such a good visit with her. She is still so funny and spunky.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

K I don't know which one looks the most thrilled. Grandpa is trying out his new tv channels and Kiki didn't really want to be on the bed. But I made them get a picture.
The tongue is always out now. I watched kiki yesturday, he is so funny. I actually think he likes grandma now. He is so big that when I got done rocking him to sleep, my right hip started to hurt and is still hurting. All that weight on it I guess. lol. By the time Jess came to get him I was totally worn out.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Last week I went to the doctor with Jessica. While we were waiting for the Dr to come in this is how I entertained Kiki. Or should I say he entertained me. He is so funny. The other night I watched him at Jesses house while she took Kasey to the movies. He was so much fun. He has decided that he likes me now and wants to give me big hugs. He has his own room there, so he would run back and forth getting toys to show me.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mckinnin calls this light and dark. This is his self portrate. He is so funny. Him and that hat. He wears it everywhere.

I was being funny on the kids birthday. I sent this picture to Bryan and asked him if I looked like I had a kid that was 21. Me and Jess had such a fun day. I took her to breakfast and we pigged out on Steak and eggs. Than I took her to play Bingo. She loved playing bingo. I just sat there and laughed at her whenever she would get close. She already wants to go next week on her day off the play. The we went to Eureka and play nickel slots. She was not to fond of that. It was a real good day.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

You can tell that he really did not want me to take his picture. He was hot and tired from walking the parade. I love my son son much and I am very proud to watch him perform.

ok kiki really did not know what was going on, but I think he had fun. He is so dang cute.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh scarry. Kasey on Halloween dressed up and after he was out of his costume. Halloween just is not what it used to be. No one was home here in Mesquite. Oh well we had fun and got lots of candy from the places that we went

Monday, October 27, 2008

This is a picture of my beautiful cousin amber. She died this morning. She was 40 years old. I will miss her.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I found this picture while i was at my moms. i don't really look the good lol. But Kasey and Kiki look cute so I added this.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Proud Uncles

My boys just love kiki. Kasey just doesn't know what to do with him.. I think they are going to be great friends.