Sunday, December 14, 2008

Got through the week

Well we got though the week. hippy. This week I don't think I am going to do a thing. lol. As if that will happen. I think I have parent conferences for Kasey on Tuesday night. So that night will be busy. And then I think he is out of school on Wednesday. Then Friday starts the beginning of Christmas Break. 10 more days till Christmas. Can you all believe it. I can't. We have not even did any shopping.


kathleen said...

i know what you mean! It is coming and I am not ready either. But is is coming whether we are or not! Kasey looks like he had a ball on his birthday. We love and miss ya!!!!!

Poulson's said...

Looks like you guys have too much fun! Glad kasey enjoyed his bday. I'm semi ready for Christmas although there's still things I need to do and no time to do it really.
Its all going to be done and over with before we know it however.....