Monday, December 8, 2008

For Chad

I don't know if you all know, but I had made Bryan a afgan a while back that is the Bronco's colors. Everytime Chad comes down he saids, where is my Raiders one. So Chad here is the start of your raiders blanket. I should have it done in about a week.


Amanda and Chad said...

Oh my gosh- I can't believe how much you have done so far! It looks so awesome. Chad will be THRILLED when he gets home and I show him this.

Amanda and Chad said...

That is bad ass laura, Thanks.


Poulson's said...

Well....wait a second, where is our Bronco one, huh? Laura, you are awesome at that!
Looks great, I love Bryans bronco one by the way, I think one would look really good on my couch too haha! jk.....