Friday, December 12, 2008

kasey's birthday

Kaseys birthday party turned out to be really big. We had 10 kids and 20 parents. I got pizza for the kids to eat, 5 of them and Bryan bbq for the adults. We went through all the pizza but one and 9lbs of chicken. The birthday cake went so fast that I dont think I even got a piece. Thats ok. Kasey had so much fun. The kids played twister and sang on the tv with kasey's new singing game for the xbox.


kathleen said...

Wish we could of been there! We love you Kasey! Glad you had a fun time. The pics were fun to look at! Love ya all !

Amanda and Chad said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KASEY!! I can't believe you are 8!!!

Looks like you guys had a fun time with lots of good friends. What great memories for Kasey to have. I really like that first picture of your dad and Kiki together- so cute!

Also, how did you get your pictures to layout like that?? I have tried to put mine side by side and it doesn't work.. what's the trick?