Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Stem attached

Jessica has a blog now the address is little-isidro-family. We just got back from the ultra sound. I am not going to say exactly what it is but there was no stem attached. I will let Jessica give the real offical word.


Amanda and Chad said...

YAY! now you have One of each for grandkids! I so excited for Jess. It was good to see you guys today! I love Kiki's santa pictures- he is the cutest!
Thanks for all those pictures of Chad!

Poulson's said...

Now, what does that mean exactly, No stem attatched, mmmmm
is that bad? Should we be concerned?
I'm so excited for her, and jealous too, I'm tired of ppl getting what they want, lol.....damit, I want a boy! jk, I'd b happy w/a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery girl or boy! but...a boy would b nice, maybe sense she's getting hte girl, I'll get the boy...who knows