Wednesday, February 25, 2009

just a day

A few picture a took yesturday
The boys having breakfast
Kasey's new bachlor pad. I told him if he helped me clean his room he could fix it anyway he wanted. So this is how he wanted it. The mattress on the floor. He loves it.


Poulson's said...

Hey..I LOVE reading your blogs. Sounds like things are going well. This blog thing is great, to stay up on everyone's life. I havent been as good as usual on posting on mine, but I just got done posting like 4 Anyhow about hte addy is and I want everything you have! The more the better. I wanta book! include all catagories, and all your fav ones. If there's some that you dont make a lot and dont care for, you dont need to include those, but family favorites....I cant wait to get this compiled. give the kids a hug for me! and tell that brother of mine HELLO!

Amanda and Chad said...

You are such a fun mom! I love how you let Kasey do his room. That looks cool- I want my room like that!! Cute pics of the boys!