Monday, February 2, 2009

New week

Well Superbowl came and went. what a dissapointment, the cardinals should of won. That last touchdown by pits, both of his feet were not down. but oh well. So I am actually going to go apply for a job today. Don't want to, but I need to. I already sent my resume in to a new insurance company that is hiring. So everyone keep there fingers crossed for me. Other than that, not much else going on this week. Everyone have a good week.

1 comment:

Poulson's said...

I was so disappointed too! I thought they had it in the bag, but Aaron was afraid when they scored to quickly that last 2min 45 sec...but he had to take the touchdown....I was ticked off when they called that a touchdown on the Steelers side, STUPID! But, I will admit that even though my team lost (or the one I was cheering for) it was a great game and the Cardinals did a great job.
I hope you get the job, I myself have been sorta looking for something. I need to get out of the house, I'm loosing my mind. I've had a few opportunities, but none that will work out with my motherhood job too, that and being pregnant proves to make it difficult too, but GOOD LUCK!