Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentines day tag

What is your husband’s name? Bryan C Lloyd
How long have you been married? 16 years
*How long did you date? 8 months
*How old is he? 34
*Who eats more sweets? I do
* Who said I love you first?I did but he answered right back with i love you too
* Who is taller? lol Bryan of coarse
*Who is smarter? it depends on what day it is lol
* Who sings the best? Bryan i cant carry a tune to save my life
*Who sleeps on the right side? Me
*Who mows the lawn? We have a lawn full of rocks
*Who cooks dinner? I do
*Who drives? Bryan does on the freeway and me mostly in town
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? usually me
*Who kissed who first? it was a mutual kiss
*Who asked who out first? Bryan asked me out

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